The following is the contractual document that will govern the sale of medicines through the web site . Acceptance of this document implies that the user:

  • You have read, understand and comprehend the above.
  • That he/she is a person with sufficient capacity to contract.
  • That he/she assumes all the obligations set forth herein.
  • That he/she is of legal age of majority

The present conditions will be valid for an indefinite period of time and will be applicable to all the contracts made through the website .

MMGR CLUB reserves the right to modify unilaterally these Conditions, without affecting the medicines that were acquired previously to the modification.

Identity of the parties

On the one hand, the supplier of the drugs contracted by the user is the supplier of the drugs.  and with a customer service telephone number and on the other hand, the user, registered on the website by means of an e-mail address and password, for which he/she has full responsibility of use and custody, being responsible for the veracity of the personal data provided to the provider.

Subject Matter of the Contract

The purpose of this contract is to regulate the contractual relationship of purchase and sale between  and the user at the moment in which the user accepts during the online contracting process the corresponding box.

The contractual purchase and sale relationship involves the delivery, in exchange for a specific price and publicly displayed through the website, of a specific medicine.


The contracting procedure may only be carried out in the Spanish language. In case it could be carried out in another language, it will be indicated before starting the contracting procedure.

In order to access the services offered by the portal, the user must you must register through the website by creating a user account. To do so, the user must freely and voluntarily provide the personal data that will be requested.

The user will select an e-mail address and a password, undertaking to make diligent use of them, and not to make them available to third parties, as well as to communicate to the loss or theft of the same or possible access by an unauthorized third party, so that it proceeds to the immediate blocking.

The user will not be able to choose as e-mail words that have as purpose, to confuse to others for identifying this one like integral member of as well as offensive, abusive and generally contrary to the law or the requirements of morality and decency.

The contracting procedure will follow the following steps:

  • Choose the desired product
  • Add to shopping cart
  • Choose type of shipment
  • Choose payment method
  • Accept privacy policy, legal notice and general terms and conditions of sale
  • Make payment

In any case, the web platform of  will inform the user, once the contracting procedure has been completed, via e-mail regarding all the characteristics, price, forms of transport, date of contracting and estimated delivery of the contracted medicine.

Delivery of orders

Orders will be delivered to the delivery address freely designated by the user. In such a way, assumes no responsibility for when the delivery of the product or service does not take place as a result of the data provided by the user being false, inaccurate or incomplete or when the delivery cannot be made for reasons beyond the control of the shipping company assigned for this purpose, such as the absence of the recipient.

Without prejudice to the foregoing  shall take the steps required of a diligent merchant to ensure that delivery can be made within the agreed time, and if not, as soon as possible, to the satisfaction of both the sender and the recipient, for which reason no liability whatsoever can be imputed against .

Price and term of validity of the offer

The prices indicated for each medicine include Value Added Tax (VAT) and in all cases will be expressed in Euro currency (€). Such charges, unless expressly stated otherwise, do not include the cost of shipping, handling, wrapping, insurance or any other additional services and attachments to the drug purchased.

The prices applicable to each drug will be those published on the website and automatically applied by the contracting process in the last phase of the same. The customer assumes that in any case the economic valuation of some of the products may vary in real time. In any case this will always be previously communicated to the users.

All payments made to  will result in the issuance of an invoice in the name of the registered user. Such invoice will be automatically sent to the e-mail address provided by the user. Offers and promotions may be modified and/or cancelled without prior notice, and some promotions may modify and/or cancel others. At all times it will be the user’s responsibility to check the offer and all its conditions.

For any information about the order, the user will be able to contact the following e-mail address  In any case, the order number assigned and indicated in the purchase confirmation e-mail must be indicated in the subject line of the message.

Right of withdrawal: Returns.

The user will have the right to the return of the medicine and the refund of the amount paid in the event that the delivery time exceeds 50% of the time established in the purchase for reasons not attributable to the user.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

These terms and conditions shall be governed by or construed in accordance with Spanish law in all matters not expressly set forth herein.  and the user, agree to submit any dispute that may arise from the provision of products or services subject to these Conditions, to the Courts and Tribunals of the domicile of .

In the event that the user is domiciled outside Spain,  and the user expressly waive any other forum, submitting to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Murcia (Spain).